Saturday, November 28, 2015

Top 3 Favorite Dystopian Stories

I'm a little upset that no one responded to my blog post last week. It really hurt my feelings that no one has any favorite dystopian novels or movies. (Just kidding!) But seriously, there are so many dystopian books and movies to choose from. Especially recently, with the rise in YA dystopian novels being adapted to film. Examples: The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Maze Runner. Dystopias are really popular right now, and there are always the classic dystopias as well: 1984, Brave New World, Blade Runner, The Handmaid's Tale. 

I was surprised that none of these were interesting to you guys. There are so many dystopian novels and films these days that there really is a dystopia for everyone. (That sounds a little weird considering dystopias are supposed to be disturbing worlds, but you know what I mean.)

Anyway, I decided to write about my favorite dystopian novels, and other dystopian novels and movies I hope to read and watch in the future.

My 3 Favorite Books:

1. Feed by M.T. Anderson
2. 1984 by George Orwell
3. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

3 Dystopian Novels I hope to read:

1. The Long Walk by Stephen King
2. 2030 by Albert Brooks
3. The Children of Men by P.D James

3 Dystopian Movies I hope to watch:

1. Brazil
2. Blade Runner
3. Metropolis

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Top 3 Favorite Dystopian Books/Movies

Hi, everyone. I was thinking about what my favorite dystopian books and movies are and it occurred to me to ask you (my readers) which dystopian books or movies were your favorites. I have read a lot of dystopian books, but there are always some I've never heard of or I've never gotten around to reading. Let me know what your top three dystopian books or movies are and why you consider them your favorites. I look forward to hearing from you all.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

What Should I Review Next?

Hello everyone! I've been reviewing dystopian fiction for a while now, and I'm feeling a little stuck. Of course there are a lot of dystopian books to choose from, I don't know what I should write about next. So I thought I'd ask for suggestions. If you like any of the books I mention below, let me know. I also thought I might review a dystopian movie just to change things up. Tell me in the comments what you think about my ideas for reviews, or if you want me to write about something else, mention that too. I would love to hear what my readers think.

Ideas for next reviews:

  • Matched by Allie Condie
  • The Long Walk by Stephen King
  • The Giver by Lois Lowry
  • Soylent Green (movie)
  • Gattaca (movie)